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Dayton -> Seattle Road Trip, Day 3

By kwesthaus

Tagged: adventure roadtrip

Day 3: Lake Ouachita, AR -> Dierks Lake, AR

Miles driven: 89.4 (total: 834.4)

§ Summary

Last night I pulled into the campsite late and set up my hammock. I slept 100x better than the night before and it turned out be a beautiful spot the next morning. I then drove into Hot Springs to see my first National Park of the trip! I enjoyed the beautiful architecture on Bathhouse Row and the grand view from Hot Springs Mountain.

One of the most enjoyable parts of this trip is the complete flexibility I have, with no solid plans until July 26th. However, the flexibility comes with the challenge of finding a place to stay every night "on the fly". I spent some time familiarizing myself with different resources for campsites around the U.S. to hopefully reduce the amount of time I need to spend figuring this out in future days.

§ Pictures

Car and hammock setup directly next to Lake Ouachita

Kyle in front of Hot Springs National Park sign

Beautiful mosaic flooring in front of the old Lamar Bathhouse (now the National Park's gift shop)

The Spanish Colonial Revival style Ozark Bathhouse (built in 1922), now the Hot Springs National Park Cultural Center

Kyle standing on an overlook ledge on top of Hot Springs Mountain